Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Mortgage Presentation

Buying or Selling Florida real estate in 2014?  Don't miss this important presentation being held on February 4 at the Delray Beach Chamber of Commerce.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Self Employed Borrowers & Mortgages

Being self employed leaves you with the freedom to make your own decision as well as not have to answer to a boss. Unfortunately, it is not the 90's anymore, when borrowers only needed a few months of bank statement to show your cash flow. Now self- employed borrowers must prove their income with two years of tax returns instead of using a stated income loan.

Declining income is most likely a result of the recession, but for someone who is attempting to qualify for a loan that takes the average of the past few tax returns; this can actually prevent a borrower from qualifying for the loan.  

Many self-employed borrowers report the gross income minus their expenses for a net income. It is more beneficial to have the net as low as possible, but the net is what they use to qualify the borrowers income. They have to ask themselves "what is more important? Being approved for a larger loan or avoid paying taxes?" 

They must also prove their business exists. In addition to the tax returns a lender may request the following: 
1. Written statement from their accountant.
2. Business License
3. Website
4. Client Statement
5. 1099